The idea of sock puppets is not new. My Sock Puppet has an extremely limited attention span and a tremendous amount of anxiety.
My Sock Puppet is seeking to make friends. He is excited and curious about everything.
Sock Puppets Looking for Jet Ski
My Sock Puppet is a scavenger. Once he acquires a thing, My Sock puppet does not let go until he finds something more appealing.
He stops to listen to others and is intrigued by human nature. He learns empathy as he tries to understand the consequences of human behavior and events.
My Sock believes he has a purpose. My Sock puppet believes he can make the right friends and save more old socks from being sent to Ragdom. or, worse yet, being tied into a knot and thrown to a dog!
My Sock Puppet has a playful spirit which loves art, music, and dancing!If you want to see the world in a most amusing light, put a sock on your hand and talk to it until it talks back. . .
She Sock Puppet is the feminine disciple of My Sock Puppet who saved her from Ragdom. She Sock is lovable and playful.
She learns quickly NOT everyone is going to love her back all the time. It makes her sad. She loves her new life and desires to make friends; to experience the fullness of what it has to offer. She perseveres and tries to keep up with My Sock Puppet.
She is intrigued by Food. She finds everything from the way plants are grown in the garden to how a recipe is mixed fascinating.
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She Sock suffers from extreme naivety and clumsiness. Consequently, her good intentions are often misunderstood or blundered. She is learning some of life’s lessons the hard way as she adjust to her new world and universe.
My Sock Puppets hope to inspire everyone to become Sock Puppeteer’s, Artist, Musicians, Scientist, Doctors, Pharmacist, Physicist, Poets, Hole Diggers, Notaries, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Brokers, Car and other Salespeople and or Scavengers to join us in the fun.